Interdisciplinary Tutoring Project Description

This is a unique, first-of-its-kind initiative open to all students at the University of Gdańsk (UG). It offers an opportunity to participate in tutorials from faculties beyond your own field of study.

UG tutors, who are specialists and passionate experts from various scientific disciplines, invite motivated students to take part in an 8-hour series of individual tutorials during the summer term of 2024/25.

Students and tutors who are already familiar with tutoring recognize the immense value of academic exploration tailored to students’ needs. Those who have not yet experienced it are especially encouraged to „sample” this unique form of education.

This is a rare opportunity to expand your knowledge and explore interests beyond the standard curriculum of your own course of study.

In the following sections, you will find details on recruitment and a list of tutors offering their specialized academic support.

We warmly invite you to participate in the project.

For inquiries, students can contact their Faculty’s TUTORING COORDINATORS, listed here:

Interdisciplinary Tutoring Project Description


Wojciech Glac

Faculty of Biology
I am eager to work with students interested in developing their research through an interdisciplinary approach, combining subject knowledge with expertise in neuroscience. My scientific interests span neuroscience in the broadest sense and its connections to other fields such as psychology and criminology.
Tutoring available in both formats.

Monika Bokiniec

Faculty of Social Sciences
My expertise lies in philosophy, particularly aesthetics and ethics, as well as the social sciences, especially where they intersect with the arts.
Tutoring available in both formats.

Aleksandra Wierucka

Faculty of Languages
Anthropology is the study of humans as cultural beings, encompassing all aspects of human activity—not just the humanities. It provides a unique perspective on the world and the diverse ways of perceiving it. Tutoring that integrates anthropology with other disciplines can open new cognitive and research horizons.

Tutoring available in both formats.

Dorota Godlewska-Werner

Faculty of Social Sciences
As a tutor, I focus on helping my tutees define their goals and develop an action plan. The most frequently discussed topics include dilemmas related to professional and educational choices, as well as support in building effective work habits and organizational skills. Together, we analyze different options to identify the most beneficial ones that align with the student’s expectations and values. I also use diagnostic tools to assess students’ strengths and areas for development.
Tutoring available in both formats.

Radosław Kossakowski

Faculty of Social Sciences
I specialize in guiding students through individual research projects in the social sciences, with a particular focus on topics such as identity, sport, culture, and masculinity studies. I provide both methodological and theoretical support.
Tutoring available in both formats.

Joanna Ginter

Faculty of Languages
As listed in the Tutors’ Base, I am eager to work with students who want to refine their Polish language skills and improve their speech editing abilities.

Michał Kubiak

I specialize in social and economic policy, particularly the implications and challenges of population aging (e.g., the silver economy, ageism, management), civil society, NGO operations and volunteering, the role of social economy actors in addressing social exclusion, and health policy.
Tutoring available in both formats.

Piotr Arlukowicz

Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science
If you are interested in graphics, animation, simulation, special effects creation, or working with Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), I can be your guide on an exciting journey into these dynamic fields of creativity and interdisciplinary research. While basic computer literacy is helpful, everything else is an exciting future we can explore together.
Tutoring available in both formats.

Anita Lewandowska

Department of Oceanography and Geography
I offer tutoring in personal development, career building, environmental issues, air and seawater pollution, as well as any other topics proposed by the student.
Tutoring available in both formats.

Dorota Pomorska

Interuniversity Faculty of Biotechnology UG and GUMed.

If you:

  • are looking for a new scientific challenge
  • want to write a scientific article
  • are preparing for a conference
  • have a specific interest in biotechnology or environmental issues
  • feel the need to delve into science but don’t know where to start
  • are wondering how to bridge the gap between business and biotechnology


Or perhaps you:

  • need guidance in finding your career path
  • want to identify your strengths and weaknesses to develop your talents or overcome challenges
  • believe you would benefit from support in staying motivated to achieve your goals
  • want to strengthen your soft or hard skills

Then I invite you to join me!


How we will work: depending on your needs, we will use academic, developmental, or a mixed approach to tutoring.


What Can You Gain?

The tutoring process is an inspiring and enriching experience that empowers you to grow, spread your wings, and gain the confidence to reach for 'something more.’ Along the way, you will acquire valuable tools that foster self-reliance in both academic work and personal development.

Why Choose Me as Your Tutor?

If you are excited to embark on a tutoring journey with someone passionate about the interdisciplinary nature of biotechnology—then look no further, I am here! 😊

I am particularly passionate about molecular biology, genetic engineering, and medical biotechnology. With degrees in both Biotechnology and Gestion et Technologie (Management and Production Technology), I am eager to explore the practical applications of biotechnology in everyday life and the intersection of science and business.

Beyond my academic pursuits, I am actively involved in science communication and outreach. If you are looking for a challenge in this field, I warmly welcome you!

Format: Tutoring available on-site.

Helena Draganik
Faculty of Languages

I invite you to explore the fascinating realm of digital culture. My tutoring offers an adventure in discovery, encouraging critical inquiry and deeper understanding of key phenomena such as the Internet in the age of pop culture and globalization, artificial intelligence (AI), legal and ethical challenges related to AI and the Internet, and the limitations of information circulation online.

I am open to a wide range of topics, tailored to the individual interests and passions of my students.

Tutoring available in both formats.

Małgorzata Cackowska
Faculty of Social Sciences
Interdisciplinary Picturebook Research

I collaborate with those interested in uncovering the educational value of children’s books. I enjoy working with individuals drawn to the history and theory of picture books, as well as those who see their practical applications—whether they are already working with children or preparing to do so.

I am an educationalist, university lecturer, and picture book researcher. My work focuses on the social and cultural aspects of picture books, as well as their educational, preventive, and therapeutic potential. I conduct research on children’s literature, incorporating contemporary critical perspectives.

Tutoring available on-site.

Magdalena Grabowska

Faculty of Languages

I am a researcher specializing in discourse analysis within a socio-cultural context. My interests focus on the linguistic representations of apostasy and the ideological foundations of right- and left-wing discourse in Poland. In my work, I integrate the perspective of culturally oriented linguistics with narrative theory, exploring how language both shapes and reflects the identities of individuals and social groups. I am also intrigued by the ways in which ideology permeates everyday linguistic practices, influencing how we define norms, values, and the boundaries of public debate.
Tutoring available in both formats.

Dorota Książkiewicz

Faculty of Economics

I offer tutorials of an economic nature. I invite those interested in the mechanisms of the contemporary global economy and supply chains and their disruptions and threats to their security and effectiveness. I offer an analysis of contemporary geopolitical conflicts and their consequences. I also offer analysis of topics on digitisation, the economy’s move towards zero-carbon, closed loop and fairtrade. I also tutor in English.

Tutoring available online.

Magdalena Gajewska

Faculty of Social Sciences

As a sociologist and researcher, I am drawn to borderline topics, in the existential and pragmatic dimensions, the everyday and the festive, between the world of humans and non-humans. In work, my I follow the principle of 'everything in its own time’. Ideas, concepts and people mature intutoring their time. I make sure that student work matures in an atmosphere of academic openness and is a personal contribution to the world of science. I encourage independent thinking and help to frame ideas and time.

Tutoring available in both formats.

Kamil Zeidler

Faculty of Law and Administration.


I offer in the area of my academic interests, which primarily include: legal theory and philosophy, legal rhetoric, legal aesthetics, cultural heritage protection law, legal cultures of East Asian countries (China, Japan, Korea), and tutoring cooperation sports law.

Tutoring available in both formats.

Irena Moszczyńska-Janicka,

Foreign Language Centre

An English teacher by training and an inquisitive seeker of answers by passion. The most interesting thing is the human being, the way he/she interacts with others, with his/her environment, or with him/herself. Tutoring focused on the development of linguistic competence understood as enrichment of vocabulary, learning new grammatical structures, but also the ability to communicate better by understanding the mechanisms that support or inhibit communication. Hard and soft competences, limitations and opportunities, but above all openness to diversity. Tutoring in English.

Tutoring available on-site.

Maria Matusiewicz

Faculty of Economics

My research field is urban logistics and this is where I develop academically. My teaching areas fall into the broader areas of sustainable development and climate change. I am keen to help you explore knowledge in these topics, but with my help you can also develop some interpersonal skills – public speaking, confidence, assertiveness, showing opportunities for development, seeing your own strengths. I have a passion for world travel, cross-cultural differences and volunteering in wildlife centres. I strive to provide students with a safe and empathetic space for development.

Tutoring available in both formats.

Roman Cieslinski,

Faculty of Oceanography and Geography

Everything to do with water, the environment and its protection, human activity, history and chemistry.

Tutoring available in both formats.

Aleksandra M. Dąbrowska

Faculty of Chemistry

I am a passionate science enthusiast and accredited tutor, specialising in chemistry at various levels. I help secondary school students, university students and those preparing for exams. My aim is not only to explain difficult topics in an accessible way, but also to develop curiosity and independent thinking in my students. I offer help in: Chemistry (general, organic, analytical and physical chemistry; problem solving and laboratory exercises; report writing support and analysis of results. How do I teach? Individual approach and adaptation of the pace to the student, practical examples and exercises from everyday life, activating methods to help better understanding of the material, possibility to learn online or stationary. Aim of my classes: To make chemistry stop being a mystery and become understandable and interesting! Feel free to contact me!

Tutoring available in both formats.

Renata Orłowska
Faculty of Economics
I explore business opportunities, focusing on partnerships with developing countries and the widening development gaps between economies worldwide.

Tutoring available in both formats.

Dorota Jendza
Faculty of Management

My professional journey combines two passions: management and psychology, allowing me to support the development of both individuals and organizations. I hold a PhD in social sciences, specializing in management and quality sciences, and I combine my academic role at the Faculty of Management at the University of Gdańsk with extensive managerial experience across various organizations.

At the same time, I have pursued a parallel path in psychology, earning a Master’s degree in Psychology from SWPS University in Sopot. By integrating these two fields, my practice focuses on helping individuals build self-confidence, navigate everyday challenges, and overcome life’s obstacles at any stage of their careers or personal development.

My tutoring also extends to organizational psychology, covering aspects such as:

  • Strengthening leadership skills for effective team management
  • Enhancing interpersonal communication
  • Managing conflict and resistance within organizations
  • Empowering teams and fostering motivation
  • Working through difficult emotions
  • Coping with stress and professional burnout
  • Identifying and developing personal strengths and resources

Tutoring available in both formats.

Barbara Forysiewicz
Faculty of Languages

I specialize in exploring the connections between music, visual arts, theatre, and literature. I am open to collaborating on artistic, educational, and animation-related projects.

Tutoring available in both formats.

Agata Weydmann-Zwolicka
Department of Oceanography and Geography

I am primarily engaged in scientific research, assisting students and PhD candidates in preparing academic essays, articles, posters, and conference presentations. My research interests focus on the impact of climate change and human activity on the functioning of marine ecosystems, with a particular emphasis on polar environments.

Tutoring available in both formats.

Elżbieta Pietraś

Faculty of Languages
I help students develop their linguistic skills and explore both theoretical and practical aspects of the Russian language, including lexis and stylistics across various domains—general, business, specialized vocabulary, colloquial speech, and official style. I support learners who wish to obtain a Russian language certificate at any level and specialization (general, business, tourism).

With years of experience in foreign language teaching methodology and translation, I am eager to assist students taking their first steps toward becoming teachers or translators. My research focuses on psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics, including language policy in the Russian Federation.

Tutoring available in both formats.

Jolanta Hinc

Faculty of Languages
I engage in discussions on various aspects of the language, culture, and literature of German-speaking countries, as well as German-Polish relations and their influence on the formation of stereotypes.

Tutoring available in both formats.

Barbara Pawłowska

Faculty of Economics
My research interests include economic theory and sustainability, particularly the sharing and circular economies as innovative business models. I also examine eco-innovation and corporate social responsibility (CSR) as tools for promoting sustainability.

In the field of transportation, I evaluate policies aimed at sustainability, estimating and internalizing external costs. I also study the energy sector, focusing on EU energy security, energy efficiency, and renewable energy sources. Another key area of my research is the blue economy, which includes the sustainable use of ocean resources and ecosystem services, as well as the protection and management of marine ecosystems within the framework of sustainable development.

Tutoring available in both formats.

Magdalena Horodecka

Faculty of Languages
Academically and didactically, I specialize in journalism and non-fiction writing, including reportage, interviews, features, essays, self-study, and journals. I also offer tutoring in the creation of such forms.

A second area of my interest is comparative studies, particularly the relationship between literature, music, and fine arts. Additionally, I focus on literary anthropology, examining the representation of different cultures in literary texts. I also teach the art of public speaking and communication using the Nonviolent Communication (NVC) model.

I warmly invite students to tutorials in any of these areas of interest.

Tutoring available in both formats.

Grzegorz Kapuściński

Faculty of Social Sciences
I warmly welcome all students interested in communication topics, including interpersonal, non-verbal, group, intercultural, and mass communication. My expertise also extends to the social and individual aspects of communication, particularly within the sphere of neurodiversity.

I invite students who seek guidance in these areas, and together we will establish a mode of work that best suits their needs. Additionally, I have a strong interest in human-animal relationships, particularly their representation in the media.

You are welcome to join!

Tutoring available on-site.

Joanna Bednarz

Faculty of Economics

I warmly invite anyone planning to start their own business or interested in various aspects of business operations. Our discussions can cover a range of topics, including business plan development, building a company’s competitive advantage, consumer behavior analysis, the impact of brain activity on purchasing decisions, comprehensive product and brand management, the significance of national branding, business communication, foreign market expansion, and identifying sources of business financing.

In my work, I incorporate elements of design thinking, for which I am a certified facilitator. I am committed to supporting, motivating, and posing thought-provoking questions that foster reflection, critical thinking, and curiosity.

Tutoring available on-site.

Martyna Wielewska-Baka

Faculty of Languages

I invite students interested in the socio-political dimensions of the humanities, including topics such as public space, contemporary conflicts, media polarization, cultural-political resentment, debates on the state of democracy, authoritarian power, the role of modern ideologies, and many related issues.

We can explore these topics within the context of media studies as well as literature (e.g., non-fiction genres such as reportage and essays).

You are cordially invited!

Tutoring available in both formats.

Dorota Dykalska

Faculty of Social Sciences

I am a psychologist specializing in the diagnosis and therapy of children, adolescents, and adults. My approach is rooted in the Socratic method, combined with the principles of solution-focused therapy.

I can assist in setting professional and personal goals and provide support throughout the process of change.

Tutoring available online.

Wojciech Edmund Zieliński

Faculty of Social Sciences

I specialize in practical philosophy and humanistic sociology. I offer individualized educational and developmental support to cultivate independent thinking, critical analysis, and informed knowledge-seeking.

My approach is based on dialogue and reflection, leading to a deeper understanding of the discussed issues. I take a particular interest in the representation of social life in proverbs, aphorisms, drawings, and photography. In education, I value humor and laughter as tools that enhance cognitive engagement.

I consider tutoring to be an invaluable space for intellectual exchange and personal growth.

Tutoring available online.

Grzegorz Szczodrowski

Faculty of Economics

„You cannot teach a person anything; you can only help them find it within themselves.”
— Galileo Galilei

This quote perfectly encapsulates my approach to tutoring. Tutoring is more than structured learning; it fosters a student-mentor relationship built on curiosity, inquiry, and discovery. The tutor inspires and provides guidance, but the student determines the topic of exploration.

For students in my department, I focus on economic issues, examined through an interdisciplinary lens. I encourage students to view economic phenomena beyond numerical analysis, recognizing that economics is a part of the humanities— the study of human behavior and society.

Tutoring available in both formats.

Urszula Janas
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography

I am a marine biologist with research interests in marine biology and ecology, particularly the functioning of benthic species and assemblages in both natural and disturbed conditions affected by human activities. In my tutorials, I enjoy working with students on topics related to marine biodiversity, conservation, and the sustainable development of marine areas.

Tutoring available in both formats.

Ewa Piotrowska
Faculty of Biology

I am an assistant professor in the Department of Molecular Biology at the Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk. My research focuses on human genetics and the development of new therapies. I also have experience as a translator of biomedical texts from English.

I am passionate about Nonviolent Communication (NVC), a philosophy of communication based on mutual respect for emotions and needs. In my tutorials, I help students develop academic skills such as critical thinking, scientific writing, and the art of presentation.

Tutoring available in both formats.

Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography

Join me in science tutoring as we explore the fascinating world of cyanobacteria and algae together! Our topics will include their physiology and adaptations to various environmental conditions. Tutoring available in both formats.

Joanna Jeżewska-Frąckowiak
Department of Chemistry

I am passionate about new biotechnologies and have gained experience working in both academia and the biotechnology industry. My research focuses on monitoring and characterizing environmental microorganisms, designing and constructing prokaryotic and hybrid gene expression systems, and studying probiotic microorganisms and bacteriophages for industrial applications.

I offer scientific and developmental tutoring. In addition to the topics mentioned, my tutoring may include creating scientific or popular science texts, as well as guidance in searching for, selecting, and critically analyzing literature sources.

Tutoring available online.

Hanna Makurat-Snuzik
Faculty of Languages

I hold degrees in philosophy and four philologies (English, Polish, Russian, and Slavic studies). My current interdisciplinary research focuses on artificial intelligence, combining philosophy and linguistics with technological solutions. I also explore the ethical applications of AI tools in teaching, research, and translation.

I invite students from various academic backgrounds who are interested in conducting research and collaborating in these fields.

Tutoring available in both formats.

Aleksandra Nowel
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science

I support individuals who seek to unlock their full potential, use their study time effectively, and develop inquisitiveness. My approach is process-oriented rather than focused on quick results.

I can assist in refining precision and formal language use, as well as guiding analytical thinking as a method for solving problems. Tutoring available on-site.

Blanka Kondratowicz
Faculty of Social Sciences

For over 10 years, I have been helping employees at various organizational levels identify their potential and develop their talents. Many of my clients have discovered new resources, allowing them to transition into fulfilling careers, retrain, and experience greater job satisfaction.

I invite students who wish to:

  • identify and develop their potential
  • discover their talents and learn to navigate limitations
  • develop key soft skills for future workplaces
  • overcome obstacles and better cope with challenges
  • collaborate on research projects and scientific publications

I offer tutoring in both Polish and English.

My academic interests include organizational psychology and economic psychology. My research explores the relationship between individual resources and well-being, as well as the role of activism in materialistic pursuits.

I examine how internal resources shape the experiences of young people and employees, striving to support their life and career satisfaction. As an advocate for personal growth, I have completed a soft skills trainer course and additional training that I now incorporate into my work.

I find great fulfillment in guiding students and conducting research projects that expand our knowledge horizons.

Tutoring available online.

Elżbieta Babula
Faculty of Economics

I offer tutoring for students interested in economics, with a particular emphasis on behavioral economics. In addition, I help tutors develop a broad range of quantitative methods.

Depending on students’ research interests and projects, our work may include enhancing mathematical, statistical, and econometric skills.

Tutoring available in both formats.

Marcin Michalak
Faculty of Law and Administration

I specialize in European Union law and health law. My tutoring is designed for students from various faculties who wish to explore how EU regulations influence their chosen fields in research and practice.

My focus areas include public health, healthcare policy, bioethics, consumer protection, and other subjects requiring a legal perspective on EU regulations. I assist students in understanding how EU law shapes interdisciplinary fields and how it can be effectively integrated into academic research, initiatives, and practical applications.

Tutoring sessions may involve research support (assisting in preparing studies and publications) or guidance on legal analysis in interdisciplinary contexts. My sessions are intended for students who want to deepen their understanding of EU law’s impact on their areas of interest.

Tutoring available in both formats.

Beata Jędrzejczak
Faculty of Languages

I encourage interdisciplinary research on language, particularly its connections with other scientific disciplines such as media studies, literary studies, cultural studies, and religious studies.

I work with students interested in a broad range of issues, including future cultural studies, journalism, marketing, psychology, and philology. My tutoring is ideal for those who are passionate about language and open to scientific exploration across disciplines. Tutoring available in both formats.

Justyna Pomierska
Faculty of Languages

Tutoring Topics: Kashubians and the Kashubian Language in the Cultural Space of Pomerania

My tutoring covers topics such as:

  • Regional education in Polish schools (from primary to higher education)
  • Analysis and interpretation of cultural texts, with a focus on literature in Kashubian language and culture
  • The role of Kashubian cultural activities in literature, visual arts, and music, and their impact on preserving the Kashubian language

Tutoring available in both formats.